At, we’re dedicated to providing accurate and trustworthy information. Here’s how we ensure and maintain accuracy, and how we handle corrections if mistakes are made:
1. Our Commitment to Accuracy
a) At, we take great care to ensure the information we publish is accurate. We thoroughly investigate claims, question assumptions, and challenge conventional wisdom to uphold our credibility.
b) We’re committed to providing content that is as accurate as possible, given the subject matter and nature of each piece. We make sure to explicitly mention any limitations that might affect our reporting.
c) We aim for our content to be well-sourced and based on reliable evidence. We strive to be transparent about what we know and avoid making unsupported speculations.
d) Our journalists are committed to honesty and integrity, and we do not intentionally plagiarize or misrepresent facts, including visual information.
e) We seek independent verification for claims and information, especially when they come from public officials or individuals with an agenda. Claims and facts that can’t be verified are attributed accordingly.
f) We stand by the information we publish. If we find that something we reported is incorrect, we’ll make the necessary corrections as quickly as possible. We do not intentionally mislead our readers or present false information that could undermine their trust. We acknowledge and correct serious factual errors clearly and promptly.
g) We encourage the public to help us maintain accuracy by reporting any errors or inaccuracies through our ‘Suggest A Correction’ feature at the end of each article.
h) Our journalists are focused on reporting, writing, and fact-checking. Stories undergo review by one or more editors, and we have a multi-level fact-checking process, with the level of review depending on the complexity, sensitivity, and timing of the story.
Our Correction Process
Even with our best efforts, mistakes can happen. Here’s how we handle corrections:
For Readers:
If you spot an error, please contact our editor-in-chief, Bhola Ask, directly. You can reach him by email at
In your email, please include:
- The correction needed
- The date or issue number of the content
- Where you saw the error (online, print, etc.)
- Your name and contact information
- The correct information and, if possible, a source for verification (e.g., meeting minutes if a vote tally was incorrect)
Please note that reaching out directly to the editor-in-chief is the best way to ensure your correction is addressed promptly.
Once we receive a correction request, the editor-in-chief will investigate using the provided details and any additional sources available.
If an error is confirmed:
- In Print: We’ll publish a correction in the next issue, clearly noting the article and the correction.
- On Our Site: The online article will be updated with a correction notice at the bottom, explaining the changes made.
- On Social Media: We’ll post a correction link on our social media platforms, directing readers to the updated article.
After making the correction, the editor-in-chief will follow up with the reader who submitted the correction to inform them of the actions taken.